Billboards, signs, posters, leaflets and reports for all occasions. I do most of my work in Illustrator and InDesign.
Anti wildlife trafficking messaging
A series of evidence-led educational posters, leaflets and infographics, distributed across Laos to combat the illegal wildlife trade.
- Laos
Species signs
I produced a series of 29 eye-catching signs for locals and tourists visiting LCTW's wildlife rehabilitation centre. Combining simple facts with personal stories and threats faced by animals in the wild, the signs were designed to engage with visitors holding diverse interests and motivations, and were introduced alongside a research study to gauge their effectiveness.
- Vientiane Province, Laos
Pangolin rehabilitation centre
These bilingual signs tell the story of a pangolin rescued from the illegal wildlife trade. Visitors can follow her progress from rescue to rehabilitation to release in this working centre.
- Vientiane Province, Laos
Anti wildlife trafficking billboards
I designed three billboards to present the dangers and consequences of the illegal wildlife trade. The billboards are displayed at airports to target tourists in multiple languages, and along highways across Laos.
- Laos
Achievement report
Distilling the activities of a small NGO into a digestible report to showcase their achievements to donors and grant funders.
- Fort Dauphin, southeast Madagascar
Zoo education visit leaflet
Joining an established department to produce and deliver interactive educational activities for school and community groups, I designed marketing materials and campaigns that saw sales rise by more than 3,000% over a two-year period.
- Yorkshire, United Kingdom